The work on Plan Pacifica continues… I’m pleased to announce release of a Consultation Draft of the Local Coastal Program (LCP) for public review and comment. The draft released today is a “redline” version of the March 2014 version of the draft LCP which incorporates public input the City has received as well as feedback from the City Council and Planning Commission. It also includes a new Chapter 6 “Coastal Resilience” which incorporates the sea level rise planning work the City Council endorsed for inclusion in the LCP in December 2018. The City Council will discuss this Consultation Draft at a special City Council meeting at 6 PM on Monday, September 30. I hope you can join us then.
Thank you to all of those who participated in the neighborhood outreach meetings in June and July, and also those who attended the two joint study sessions of the City Council and Planning Commission on August 26 and September 3. The turnout at the joint study sessions was incredible and I am excited at the continued interest in Plan Pacifica on the part of residents and business owners across the City. I appreciate the many comments and feedback that have been provided, and the Plan Pacifica team is now considering that input as we continue work on the General Plan.
To recap what’s happened so far and what is coming up, please read on…
Five outreach meetings to meet with and hear the community happened earlier in the summer in locations across Pacifica. From June 27 – July 10, we met with over 200 community members and stakeholders in different neighborhoods.
If you were unable to make it, I invite you to read the meeting summary and also subscribe to receive project updates and meeting notices for future events.
Two joint-study sessions of the City Council and Planning Commission were held recently. On August 26, the first study session kicked-off Council/Commission discussion of key sites and proposed changes to the General Plan and LCP. However, there was significant public interest in the Calson Field site and sea level adaptation policies. The Council and Commission decided to hold a second study session, and continued the meeting to September 3. The agenda packets from the study sessions can be found by clicking on either of the following meeting links:
Agenda & Packet from the First Study Session on August 26
Agenda & Packet from the Second Study Session on September 3
A video recording of the two meetings can be found on Pacific Coast TV’s YouTube channel.
As of today, I am pleased to announce that we’ve reached a critical moment in the Plan Pacifica process! Our Local Coastal Program (LCP) Consultation Draft is available for public review and comment. The LCP update process first began in 2009. And in 2017-2018, the City reengaged with residents and stakeholders through a significant public outreach process. After the various Plan Pacifica meetings held in 2019, we have come a long way to produce this document. Members of the community are welcomed to provide comment on the document ahead of the City Council’s special meeting on September 30 (more information to come), at which the Council will give further direction on the Consultation Draft of the LCP.
Please save the date, and hope to see you at the special meeting on September 30.