Three Down, Two to Go

More than 130 Pacificans have attended one of the three neighborhood meetings already held to discuss the Plan Pacifica process in the Linda Mar/Park Pacifica, Vallemar/Rockaway Beach, and Pedro Point neighborhoods. The turnout has been terrific and I appreciate everybody finding time in their busy schedules to participate in this important process. I have enjoyed my discussions with the passionate residents and business owners who care so much about their community.

A few questions have come up which I want to answer…

Where can I find descriptions of the land use classifications shown on the draft Land Use Map?

Descriptions of the land use classifications proposed for each parcel in the City can be found in Section 4.2 of the Draft General Plan (pages 4-5 through 4-10). You can find the entire Draft General Plan and Draft Local Coastal Program under the References section of our Resources page. For your immediate convenience, I have made an excerpt of Pages 4-5 through 4-10.

Why is a proposed land use classification missing from the legend in one of the Land Use Maps in the Draft General Plan?

I acknowledge there are some missing land use classifications in certain Land Use Maps in the Draft General Plan. I am gathering a list of these omissions and will correct them in the final document or in future releases of the draft document (if any). Until then, please send me any discrepancies you have noted to

What is the difference between the land use classification in the draft Land Use Map and the zoning for a piece of property?

The land use classifications in the draft Land Use Map indicate the intended uses for various properties in Pacifica as described under each classification in Section 4.2 of the draft General Plan (see above). These classifications contain broad outlines of the uses which may occur, but do not typically contain sufficient detail on the full range of uses which may be allowed nor do they typically contain physical development standards for these areas. The zoning applied to a property serves these purposes, and is most often updated after a General Plan update. One example of a zoning classification is C-R (Commercial Recreation) which implements the Commercial land use designation in the City’s existing 1980 General Plan.

The City intends to undertake a comprehensive update of the zoning map and zoning regulations following adoption of the draft General Plan and draft Local Coastal Program (LCP) to ensure all zoning regulations in Pacifica are consistent with the General Plan and LCP as required by state law.

As a reminder, we have two neighborhood meetings remaining on July 9 and 10. Learn more and RSVP at See you soon.

