Sharp Park Specific Plan Area Boundary
Shaping the Future of Sharp Park
The Sharp Park neighborhood is one of Pacifica’s neighborhoods that has the greatest potential for evolution and growing vibrancy over the next several decades. It is the city’s civic core and is home to many unique businesses, as well as the iconic Pacifica Pier. There is significant opportunity here for mixed-use buildings, new housing and higher intensity development that will help the city address issues of housing affordability and create a center of gravity for the broader Pacifica Community as well as visitors. What will this important neighborhood become?
The current planning process will establish a blueprint for development and preservation on the blocks surrounding Palmetto Avenue and Beach Boulevard between Paloma Avenue and Clarendon Road, as well as adjacent areas of potential change east of Highway 1.
What is a Specific Plan?
Specific Plans are regulated by the State of California. They are tools for the targeted implementation of broader General Plan policies and include a high level of specificity. The planning process will begin with community engagement and an assessment of current conditions. The planning team will then develop land use, design and infrastructure concepts for further review. The final Sharp Park Specific Plan will include detailed policies on:
Land Use and Urban Design
Design Standards
Transportation and Access
Infrastructure and Public Facilities
Environmental and Cultural Resources
Financing and Implementation
Sharp Park Specific Plan Environmental Impact Report
The Sharp Park Specific Plan will be developed concurrently with an Environmental Impact Report on the plan. Environmental Impact Reports (or EIRs) are State mandated documents governed by the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). EIRs inform the public and public agency decision-makers of significant environmental effects of proposed projects, identify possible ways to minimize those effects, and describe reasonable alternatives to those projects.
Plan Pacifica - Help Shape Pacifica’s Future!
The current process to update the Housing Element of the General Plan and Local Coastal Land Use Plan relies on vital input, visioning and feedback from the community.
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See the Resource Library for related Sharp Park Specific Plan materials